June is National Rivers Month. Below is a sample list of river partner groups working on the Blackstone River to keep it clean and accessible for all .

Blackstone Valley River Education Programs/BV Explorer

For over 26 years the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council has provided river education programs and public programs to give students and visitors the opportunity to learn about the Blackstone River. We look forward to offering these programs again in the future. 

Meanwhile check out this video

Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone: This is a volunteer organization that continues to remove tons of debris from the river and watershed. They also offer programs at its environmental center, Sycamore Landing in Manville. 

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Blackstone River Coalition: This is a partnership organization working to protect water quality and wildlife habitat in the river corridor. 

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Rhode Island Rivers Council: Created in 1991 by the General Assembly, the Rivers Council coordinates efforts to improve the quality of the state’s rivers and its watersheds. BVTC is proud to have a representative member on the council.

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These are just a few of the many groups working in the Blackstone River Watershed.

Learn about the river’s natural resources

Learn more about the history & culture along the river

June is National Rivers Month

Blackstone Valley River Corner

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